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The Simple Ayurveda Podcast

Dec 30, 2019

Natalie Brite is an intuitive business coach that inspires me to live and create in alignment with who I really am. In this episode we chat about rewilding, going against the grain and shifting out of old paradigms to create positive change. I can’t wait for you to listen!

Dec 21, 2019

Agni is your digestive fire. Many common symptoms and imbalances directly relate to the condition of your agni. This episode goes through the signs of weak agni, the root cause and offers tips to strengthen your digestive fire.


Dec 16, 2019

Bernie Clark is an author and Yoga/meditation teacher with a strong background in science. He wrote The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga (one of my all-time favorite Yoga reference books). In this episode he explains the physical and energetic benefits of yin as well as how it helps the body detoxify and regenerate tissue.

Dec 6, 2019

The words we use are powerful guides for how we think and act. This episode is all about how using just one word for an intention can be transformational in unexpected ways. I talk about the specific words I have used over the past five years and share what my word will be for 2020.